Sapa is an old mountain station built in 1922 in a beautiful valley (1600 m above sea level) near the border with China. The area is spectacular, but getting there from Hanoi has never been particularly easy due to the bad roads.

Other problems that prevented Sapa from becoming a resort from a glossy magazine were the Second World War, the guerrilla war against the French, the war with America and the 1979 border skirmishes with China, not to mention the deep economic crisis that hit Vietnam in the 80s.


Lowaii Cebu Marine - Scuba Underwater World (c) 2011 Movie recording: GianFranco Artusi, Cut: Brando Selleri

Colors in Blue - Red Sea - Egypt

It is a collection of videos by myself and by Brando Selleri They document the garden of Allah… .. (red sea) properly defined in this way for its submerged colored gardens and the numerous marine life. Shooting: G.F. Artusi and Brando Selleri, Editing: Brando Selleri and G.F.Artusi (43 '26 ") Music authorized by Musik Highland


Archipelago of the smile, Philippines

Archipelago of the smile so called because its people are always smiling and kind. It is an archipelago made up of 7103 islands between large and small uninhabited islets. My research is based in the VISAIA ISLANDS area. Cebu bohol camiguin malapasqua are islands where, both externally and under water, one never tires of admiring its beauties ... landscapes and submerged gardens as can be seen in the movie. Filming: G.F.Artusi Editing: Brando Selleri and G.F.Artusi (16 '35 ") Music authorized by Musik Highland

The Wreck of the Thistlegorm

As already in the presentation of the video ... and a vessel that before the war was used to transport people on the route of the Americas. At the beginning of the Second World War it was transformed into a ship for the supply of English troops in North Africa, sunk by a flock of English hunkers of clay tonnage. Of the entire crew there was only one victim. Shooting: G.F. Artusi Editing: Brando Selleri and G.F.Artusi (5 '26 ") Music authorized by Musik Highland

El Gato Malapasqua

It is a small islet near the island of MALAPASQUA. It offers incomparable beauty and sedentary shark families that live in the submerged caves of this islet.
Shooting: G.F. Artusi Editing: Brando Selleri and G.F.Artusi (8 '41 ") Music authorized by Musik Highland

Medas islands

They are a group of small uninhabited islands off the coast of Spain - not far from Barcelona. These islands offer extraordinary places of diving with passages of siphon caves and a lot of underwater life and with large groupers and sea eagles.
For those who do not dive, there is a way to visit many surrounding countries, many of which are still medieval. Filming: G.F. Artusi Editing: Brando Selleri and G.F.Artusi (9 '24 ") Music authorized by Musik Highland

Magical Carnival 2009

In the city of S.Felice Sul Panaro in the province of Modena, a very special event takes place every year during the carnival. A carnival is held but very special: every year with a different theme, hundreds of extras starting from the castle, parade through the streets of the city in a silent way, stopping in different parts of the city and then returning to the conclusion of the event from where they started . The event is very suggestive and attracts thousands of photographers from all over Italy. Music authorized by Musik Highland

The River Chidro

We are in the southern part of Italy, in the district of Taranto in Puglia. In the Madurai area 5 km west of the salt mine, the Chidro river flows, the most important river of the entire Apulian coast. According to the inhabitants of Madurai, the legendary river was born from the tears shed by Saint Peter in expiation of guilt in renouncing Christ. The natural vegetation of this river is typical courses of lush fresh water along the entire route. Its importance is certainly recognized by its naturalistic cases. This 400mt river, on one side, opens onto the sea, and on the other side it creates two small lakes.
Music licensed by Musik Highland